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Vitamin E

What is Vitamin E? Vitamin E is a benzoquinone dihydrofuran derivative, including tocopherols, tocotrienols, and is a fat-soluble vitamin. It has antioxidant function and is necessary for normal growth and development of human beings. Vitamin E is soluble in organic solvents such as fat and ethanol. It is insoluble in water, stable to heat and acid, unstable to alkali, sensitive to oxygen, and insensitive to heat, but vitamin E activity is significantly reduced during frying.
Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect. Vitamin E can scavenge free radicals in the body and block the chain reaction triggered by it, protecting the sulfhydryl groups of many unsaturated fatty acids, cytoskeleton and other proteins from biofilm lipoproteins from free radicals and oxidants. So vitamin E is an important antioxidant in non-enzymatic antioxidant systems.
Vitamin E plays an important role in maintaining fertility. Lack of vitamin E causes a decrease in reproductive performance and an increase in embryo mortality. The lack of vitamin E in humans is very rare, so there has been no basis for the lack of vitamin E on fertility in the human body for many years.
Vitamin E is important for maintaining normal immune function, especially the function of T lymphocytes. The elderly population is supplemented with vitamin E, and the immune cells are enhanced by Mars. Because vitamin E is associated with immune function and phagocytosis, vitamin E may play a role in the prevention and treatment of tumors.
Vitamin E deficiency can affect your health. The average concentration of vitamin E in adult plasma or serum is 22.1umol/L (9.5ug/mL), ranging from 11.6 to 46.4umol/L (5~20ug/mL). When less than 11.6umol/L (5ug/mL), it will Red blood cell hemolysis occurs, which suggests a deficiency in vitamin E. Vitamin E deficiency mainly affects the posterior column of the notochord, the third and fourth cranial nucleus, the large myelin axon of the peripheral nerve, the elongated nucleus of the brain stem, and finally the muscle and retina.