Biotin, vitamin B7, is one of the vitamin B families. Biotin is a colorless long needle-like crystal with an anthraquinone ring combining urea and thiophene, with a side chain of valeric acid, very slightly soluble in water and ethanol, soluble in hot water and dilute alkali solution, insoluble in other Common organic solvents. Decomposes in the presence of strong bases or oxidizing agents. It can be stable for several days in medium-strength acid and neutral solutions, and is less stable in alkaline solutions. It is quite stable at ordinary temperatures, but high temperatures and oxidizing agents can cause it to lose its activity.
Biotin is one of the vitamins necessary to maintain normal physiological functions in animal organisms. Biotin promotes a chemical reaction called carboxylation. Biotin is a component of a carboxylase that promotes the transfer of carboxyl units and immobilizes carbon dioxide. In protein metabolism, biotin participates in the synthesis of proteins, deamination of amino acids, synthesis of porphyrins, and nucleic acid metabolism.
What is the role of biotin in the human body? Biotin is an essential substance for the synthesis of vitamin C and is essential for the metabolism of fats and proteins. Biotin is a coenzyme of various carboxylases and functions as a CO2 carrier in the carboxylase reaction. Biotin is a nutrient necessary to maintain the body's natural growth, development and normal human function.