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D15000 plus DNA ladder

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D15000 plus DNA ladder

Original price was: $70.00.Current price is: $65.00.

ZK06024. In stock N/A .


This product consists of 10 bands of double-stranded DNA bands for the analysis of DNA bands in agarose gel electrophoresis. The product already contains 1×loading buffer, which can be directly taken by 2-5μl according to the experimental needs. It is easy to use and the electrophoresis image is clear. The size of the 10 strips is 250, 500, 1000, 1500, 2500, 4000, 5000, 7500, 10000, 15000 bp. The 2500 bp band was 100 ng/5 μl, and the remaining bands were 50 ng/5 μl.

specifications: 100T (2 × 250μl)

Storage conditions: 4 ℃ storage (long-term storage at -20℃).


  1. Take 2-5μl of this product and add it to the well of the agarose gel for electrophoresis.

Note: The amount of sample is determined according to the thickness and width of the electrophoresis comb. 1μl was loaded per 1 mm × 1 mm (thickness × width) well; 2μl was applied to a narrow-toothed comb (typically 1 mm × 2mm); 5μl was loaded on a wide-toothed comb (typically 1mm × 5mm). If a thick-toothed comb or a comb wider than 5 mm is used, the amount of the sample can be appropriately adjusted.

  1. Recommended electrophoresis conditions: gel concentration 2.0-2.5%, gel length 5-7cm, electrophoresis voltage 4-10v/cm, electrophoresis time 35-40 minutes.
  2. Observe the band under UV light after EB staining.

Note: If dyeing is performed using a dye such as Goldview, since the sensitivity is lower than EB, please increase the Marker's sample loading as appropriate.


  1. The quality of agarose has a great influence on the electrophoresis of DNA. When using electrophoresis, please use agarose with excellent quality.
  2. Use freshly prepared running buffer and freshly prepared agarose gel for electrophoresis to ensure good Marker separation.